The subconscious mind has a significant influence on our lives, controlling around 90% of our experiences and shaping our perceptions of situations and people. Through fears and mental blocks, it can either command or prohibit us from taking certain actions, while also affecting the scope of our ambitions and the kind of individuals we attract. The mind can become trapped in old patterns, fears, and past traumas, consuming a great deal of time and energy. However, by understanding, resolving, and releasing these barriers, we can relieve ourselves of emotional burdens and advance in life, improving our relationships, spirituality, and physical and emotional well-being. A shift in the subconscious mindset allows us to redirect the creative energy of our amazing minds to create the life we want.
The ThetaHealing® technique is a meditation technique utilizing spiritual philosophy developed by Vianna Stibal, owner of THInK & Let's THInK Unique. Using this modern meditation technique it's possible to create instant changes in subconscious mind, resolve traumas, remove blocks and change negative programs and associations. By shifting brain to a theta state (brain wave frequency 4-7Hz) we can work directly with subconsciousness. A brain is naturally in a theta state for example when meditating or falling asleep, when a person is completely relaxed and the conscious mind is at peace. In this state it's easy to understand programs and situations stored in subconscious and make instant changes.
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check out seminar offerings.
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check out session offerings.
The purpose of a session is to discover unfinished business from the past and the (often hidden) difficulties stemming from it. What we experienced in the past is often mirrored in the present as our mind is trying to resolves old traumatic experiences to be ready to protect us should we have to face them again. By dealing with a situation in the past, either consciously or subconsciously, our thoughts create similar situations in the present. Sometimes we have a feeling that we are experiencing "the same" over and over in our daily lives and don't understand why. In a session we go deep into subconscious to find the cause of creating limiting beliefs and feelings. By resolving this cause, we allow the subconscious mind to feel safe in this and similar situations and to release the blocks it has been forming as a form of protection. We begin to feel more love and joy while we redirect energy to create the life we want. In doing so, we can make a lasting change.
I offer 45 and 90 minute sessions.
A session can take place in person, online or over the phone.
ThetaHealing® session 45min - 110€.
ThetaHealing® session 90min - 190€.
Abundance transformation consists of understanding and clearing blocks that prevent one from from receiving infinite abundance and fulfilling ones dreams and desires. In 10 sessions, blocking beliefs related to family, company, co-workers, competitors, friends and other groups will be cleared. We will find out in which situations these groups support us and in which situations they sabotage us. This is followed by release from being stuck in childhood habits, family patterns and societal prejudices. Next we'll clarify illusions about what we should and shouldn't do in relation to abundance and success. We'll set the subconscious mind to receive and create success, abundance and fulfillment of dreams and desires. This intense transformation is a profound change. Once the transformation is complete, a complementary session follows where we finish clearing up any emotions that have surfaced with the passage of time.
Abundance transformation - 2660€.
Reserve a free 15-minute call to learn more about this program.
This is where your ThetaHealing journey begins. This is the first seminar to take to become a Certified Practitioner.
This seminar allows you to experience in-depth and powerful digging and belief work that will change your life.
Become confident in the digging and belief work.
Improve your relationships in all areas.
Learn to understand the difference of the Creators voice versus your ego. What is truth and what is fear?
We must learn to truly love. Love ourself, love our friends, love our family, love our community.
Earth is always trying to communicate with us, but are we really listening?
Learn to clear beliefs that are holding you back from manifesting in your life. Learn you can Create Your Own Reality.
Call forth the exquisite perfection of the one destined to intertwine in dignity.
Unlock the mysteries of your past to spring forward unchained into the future.
Journey through the human body in a way you have never experienced. Learn the beliefs tied to each system of the body.
Develop awareness and understanding of the complexities of the body.
Attain your highest vibrational connection with the 7th Plane.
Find true Rhythm in your life!
Go on an adventure and learn to connect to the Creator of All That is while touching the rainbow child in you...
Transform into a successful player of the Game of Life.
Practice the ThetaHealing technique.
This seminar allows you to experience in-depth and powerful digging and belief work that will change your life.
Timetable:Location: Kresánkova 3, Bratislava
Add seminar to calendarBecome confident in the digging and belief work.
Timetable:Location: Kresánkova 3, Bratislava
Add seminar to calendarTransform into a successful player of the Game of Life.
Timetable:Location: Kresánkova 3, Bratislava
Add seminar to calendarWhat they wrote about me
Based on references, I got to Klement because I was plagued with tetany and panic attacks. From the first meeting I felt relaxed due to his individual approach and deep digging to the roots of my problems. After the first session and after completing the course I have no symptoms, I am like a new person - I feel refreshed, have a positive mind and a healthy body. The course and Klement's special approach have convinced me so much that I want to continue Theta Healing and dedicate myself fully to it. I highly recommend it!
My first experience with ThetaHealing with my friend sparked my curiosity and desire to learn more about this healing process. I came to Klement on a recommendation and soon found myself on Course I. Basic DNA - this course sparked even more questions in me and a desire to understand this process even more in depth. The course was run in a calm and easy to understand way for me. The real life examples and real case examples with clients were stimulating. For me it was very beneficial, clear and understandable. I plan to attend other courses with Klement Sekera in the future. I am grateful for his sensitive individual approach on the course. I see this experience as a very positive one.
With Klement, you know you've chosen the right man. He is always individually interested in solving a specific problem and carrying out comprehensive treatment. Because of his knowledge and experience, I consider him a healer I can rely on. I have had a positive experience with him and highly recommend him.
You don't just have to be medically ill to see him. If you really care about personal development and trying to be a better person, this is an interesting alternative that I can recommend to everyone!
Namaste -_-
When I tried ThetaHealing, I was particularly interested in the idea that it is possible to change your subconscious programs and patterns easily and effectively. I had no special expectations, but I was quite curious. The session with Klement went pleasantly and calmly. There were some more emotional moments, but no drama. During the session we touched on a variety of topics in different areas of life. I felt I was in the capable hands of someone who can discern the essence in things. What happened next? Further on in life I felt a change. In those moments where before I would have somehow blocked myself and felt uncomfortable, I now felt the freedom to choose a different path than usual, a different approach. This therapy was helpful for me.
This weekend I had the opportunity to take a course with Klement. Working with him is very pleasant and he is on a professional level. Klement has a very good sense of how to help a client, he has a very individual approach to each one and knows when and how to help. The technique of Theta is very gentle and is for everyone. Klement knows how to work with a client to get to know himself more and change his beliefs and patterns of behavior that no longer serve him. He knows how to bring you to the root of the matter help you understand why what is happening to you in your life is happening to you and help you heal and change the "problem".
The course was absolutely great! I felt like I was in a family circle, I went into the digging without fear of touching on more sensitive topics. And I am very happy that I took this course. I also got external feedback after the course. Two of my friends, who are such perceptive people, have complimented me on the fact that I had to go through a total rebirth and that I exude a feminine energy, which was unusual for me. So I'm very, very grateful for that. I feel like I can do anything ?
Since you are on this page, you have probably decided to change your life for the better. We live in fast-paced times, with many responsibilities and less time to devote to independent meditations and exercises to help us solve our problems.
What to do about it? One solution is to find a suitable technique and a reliable professional. I found both parameters with Klement. Every session was beneficial and I was surprised myself what beliefs and blocks I had in my subconscious. Additionally, one comes to a deeper understanding of the context and reasons for actions and events that have taken place and thus can free oneself from anything that no longer serves them. If you persevere, you can handle anything and Klement will be your support in doing so.
I'm from Bratislava and have been led me to the ThetaHealing technique because of my long-term back pain. I tried several methods, exercised, got massages, but none of that help me permanently, my problems just kept coming back. At the time, I didn't yet understand that I was addressing the symptoms instead of the causes. It wasn't until I tried the ThetaHealing technique that real relief came for the first time in my life. Since then, I have successfully used it on myself and others to solve many different problems and challenges in life. Among many other things, I have learned inner peace, self-worth, self-love and other virtues. I would be happy to help you with that too!
Phone/Signal/WhatsApp: +421 910 972 140
Ask me anything
Office: Kresánkova 3, Bratislava
(TERNO building - entry from terrace, free 3h parking in parking garage)